The United States of AmeriKKKa

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We've all seen it. Donald J. Trump won the election for President of the United States of America. I am not shocked. I am not in disbelief. I believe it wholeheartedly. This is what America has been grooming for centuries. This is the type of person who was going to run for president at one point. And win. Apparently that point is now.
David Burke is the former leader of the KKK
and currently in congress.
Now, there are KKK members celebrating. From British Columbia to North Carolina, they're out there, and they want us to know it. They want us to be afraid. And I am. I live in Massachusetts, where I'm not necessarily in the most grave danger. But Bean feared for me when I left the house this morning. Usually I walk. My roommate must have been afraid to, because she gave me a ride to work. It's a mile long walk, and I was afraid to make it today.
Bean's best friend is a teacher. That friend drove to pick up some of her old students this morning because they were afraid to wait for the bus in Tennessee. Why? They wear hijabs.
I cried myself to sleep last night.
Some of my white coworkers are in "shock and disbelief" that the KKK has endorsed and has been endorsing Donald Trump and his white supremacist ass since the beginning of his bid for presidency. "No they haven't, I don't believe that," they say. But it's true. It's a fact, whether or not Trump wants to admit that to the public. We can all see it. He built a political campaign that made it okay for racist white Americans to express their hatred and xenophobia. It was a platform designed to sell to the white masses because it was made for the white masses.
"Well, the KKK is such a small group, what are they really going to do?" There are currently 110 active chapters in the KKK (as of 2014) in the United States. But of course, racism has never affected these people, and they don't care to know. What will they continue to do? Lynch and murder us for sport. Kill and terrorize us while we try to exist in the world they dragged us to. What will they do? Only what they've continued to do for centuries.
"Oh, well then they'll just go to jail. They have to." I shrug my shoulders. There's no way to educate these people right now. Do they not see the black and brown bodies strewn over the television, murdered by white supremacists, police officers, members of the KKK who wear no hood in the daytime?
"Historically," I tell them, "they have not."
These are tired, trying times. Stay safe. Fight for those who can't.

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